What’s the difference between a limousine and a limo bus? A limousine is typically a smaller vehicle without room to stand up in. A limo bus is much bigger with room to stand up, as well as equipped with more amenities.
Can we smoke on the vehicles? There is strictly no smoking on our vehicles! You have unlimited stops so if you need a smoke break, tell your driver and they will pull over when it's safe to do so.
Is this vehicle available? In order for us to let you know about vehicle availability, we’ll need you to call or email one of our booking agents.
Can we listen to our music? Of course! You’ll find a professional stereo system complete with iPod capabilities and an aux cord.
Can we drink alcohol on the bus? Yes you can. We don't provide you with alcohol but you can bring as much as you want. There are coolers with ice provided so that your drinks can stay cold. If there are those under the legal drinking age of 21, there cannot be any alcohol on the bus.
Can children join us? Yes they can. There are no seat belts therefore we ask that you keep an eye on them just in case the bus has to come to a fast stop or anything else. If there are children or people under the age of 21, there cannot be any alcohol on the vehicle.
Are there any hidden fees? Nope! There is nothing we hide from you. We are up front about everything. If you want to know something, just ask. You'll be informed off all the costs and any potential fees you may come across.
What if we want to stay longer? That's okay. We don't want your fun to end. Give us a call to let us know just to make sure the vehicle is not needed or to see if we have to switch your driver out for a rested one. You won't have to pay a crazy high fee for staying over. It's your normal hourly rate.
Do we have the chance to cancel? There are no cancellations. You are told this when you reserve so that you are aware. You cannot call to change the date either. Depending on availability, you might be able to change the time or the vehicle.
I'm going out of town. Are there other places I can get great limo service? Yes! There's some pretty reputable options in other states, especially if you're searching for Limo Service near Denver.
Do we tip the driver? Tipping is up to you. If you want to tip the driver because they did en excellent job, go ahead. We do not force you to tip the driver. It would be greatly appreciated though.